​Individually, in teams, or in large groups, Bill Brand helps you:

  • Unlock your natural Charisma 
  • Enhance your Communication 
  • Optimise your Personal Impact & Engagement

An expert in Embodied Leadership, drawing on experience of over 50 roles as a leading actor in the West End theatre, Film, and TV, Bill Brand coaches successful leaders and their teams to develop the look, sound, and feel of a charismatic leader and authentic communicator by optimising the content, structure, and style of their communication and presentation process.  Bill has a proven track record of 15 years coaching, consulting, and training people to present and communicate to maximum impact  across diverse industries, including Law, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Technology, Hospital Management, and Surgery. 


The fortuitous engagement of Bill Brand by our organization has supported our multinational medical device company in a variety of rewarding ways.  His skill as a public speaking coach is outstanding, and has allowed us to train both internal colleagues, and our surgeon consultants to become confident, comfortable, and commanding in their podium presentations at international congress venues.  Two recent presentations (in Shanghai, and Moscow) were marvellous examples of powerful improvements in the presentational skill of one of our top surgeon consultants, and the credit is due to his engagement with Bill, who spent several hours on multiple occasions with this brilliant surgeon who lacked confident gravitas in his public speaking engagements.  The remarkable change is a direct result of the techniques employed by Bill, a coach who has a wealth of experience as an actor and orator.  The benefit to our company is a group of internal colleagues, and external client consulting surgeons who deliver sound presentations based upon well prepared content, and confident, thoughtful, and professional presentations on the podium.

Tim Egan - International Director, Arthrex GmbH, Munich, Germany